CoRDA at TU Delft
Call for Internship
Announcement for Student Application
CoRDA in the Shortlist of Archmarathon Awards
Epoka Social Center and Department of Architecture building featured in Uncube Magazine
CoRDA assigned as the local partner architecture studio of TID tower interior implementation
CoRDA presents a Research Project in Drini Day
Representatives from the Architecture Department and the Center of Research and CoRDA participated at Atelier Albania initiative
CoRDA operating, the most recent project is the refurbishment of the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
CoRDA and Universal Company signed Memorandum of Understanding
General Local Plans, CoRDA signed Memorandum of Understanding with Commune of Petrela
Epoka University through the Center of Research and Design in Applied Sciences CoRDA successfully submitted as a Leading Institution the project titled “ImprovemeNt of master level educatioN in the field Of ciVil engineering in Albanian universiTiEs/ INNOVATE” under the Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Call.
The proposed project has been designed as a National project aiming to modernize the higher education in Civil Engineering to support sustainable development in Albania, strengthen the research and innovation capacities of CE MSc study programs and to establish a national cooperation network in Civil Engineering between HEIs, and enhance the education-research-industry coherence.
The target objectives of this project are hoped to be achieved through the following Project Consortium;
We thank the working group composed of Dr. Julinda Keci, Dr. Erion Luga, Dr. Enea Mustafaraj and Esmir Demaj for their extensive work and their added value to Epoka University.
The results are expected to be published somewhere in August. Hoping in a positive feedback, let us keep our fingers crossed.